Following is an overview of the steps and processes involved in the making of a book from start to finish; from the thin air of a thought, into the actual printed book many steps down the food chain.
This brief look below will be explained in greater detail throughout this book, along with the business aspects of making and selling books, so that by the time you finish all the chapters, you'll have the tools to be a successful publisher. How you use these tools, and how much effort you put into your publishing venture will determine the success you'll have out in the marketplace.
1. Establish a Business
Get your company officially set-up and ready to conduct business.
2. Book Idea
Once your business is established, the first step is to have a solid book proposal, an actual manuscript, or simple an idea. The proposal must be one that fills a need for a large enough potential audience to succeed.
3. Decision is Made to Publish the Book
Deciding to publish is the most important decision you'll make in the publishing process. At this point, you're also making specific decisions as to the book's focus, list price, page count and its size.
4. Contract a Writer
If everything looks good, get a contract signed, and set the author in motion. However, make sure that you and your author are in agreement about what the book will cover and the tone it will take.
5. The book Gets Written
The idea needs to be brought to fruition by the writer, who at the very least, writes competently, and at the very best, gives you an exciting manuscript.
6. Edit the Book
Upon submission of the completed manuscript, the book gets edited. If the book is not already entered into a word processing program, it gets done now.
7. Book Plan and Design
After the book is edited and ready to go, you decide upon the typestyles and sizes |