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Now, you have your story written, or you have a collection of special pictures, and you want to make it a book and publish it.
What do you need to do next?
You need to get an ISBN number first, print a barcode, and then find a book designer to design your book cover and layout. Next you need to find a book printer to print your book,
and then deal with bookstores, wholesalers, and distributors to get your book sold.
You have 5 choices here:
1. You do all the works by yourself.
You can get your ISBN number on this website:
US ISBN Agency
2. Let us do the creative book designing works for you.
We design the book cover and/or the interior of the books for you.
If you do both the book cover design and interior pages design with us, we can assign you an ISBN number(worth $50) and print you the barcode for free.
If you use our ISBN number, we let you use our Trademark on your book.
You have the copyright.
Your book must be non hate, non discriminatory, no porn, and no crazy politics.
click here for more information
3. Let us do the book printing works for you.
We provide the highest quality and lowest price for printing works.
You have the copyright.
Your book must be non hate, non discriminatory, no porn, and no crazy politics.
click here for more information
4. Do both book design and book printing with us.
We give you an ISBN number and the barcode for free;
We design the book cover and interior pages for you;
We print the book for you at the lowest price;
And we will give you a free webpage to promote your book;
We let you use our Trademark on your book;
You have the copyright.
Your book must be non hate, non discriminatory, no porn, and no crazy politics.
click here to quote a price
Please click on Working Process to find out how to work with us.