Now, you have your book designed, you need to find the right printer to get your book printed.
There are two things that are very important, when trying to find a printer:
1. price: the cost of printing takes the biggest percentage of your total cost. If you want to make more money by selling your book, you've got to keep your printing cost as low as posible.
2. quality: if you want to make money from your book, you've got to think about the quality of the book. Quality is the life of a book. High quality not only keeps your book selling, but also lets your book live longer.
Ruby publishing provides you higher quality offset printing at a lower price. We specialize in full color books, like chidren's book, arts book, photo books, magazines.
One of our printing manufacturers in China is a two time Benny Award winner. Benny Award is the top award in the printing industry of the world.